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  • jdm496

Alcazaren 14 October 2022

Villeguillo to Alcazaren - 18Km

Donotivo Albergue

I am writing this in a very noisy Spanish bar. The locals have been playing a card game where much emotion is part of the game.

Last night was spent with a Spanish man with a spinal injury. He was travelling using a scooter adapted to support the front wheels of his wheelchair. It was a great combination and he had driven it up from Madrid.

I was the only customer in the bar last night for an evening meal. Being a small town with nothing but a single bar you get to eat what you are given. It was an excellent soup followed by meatballs with a thin ham steak and capsicum. An excellent meal.

As today was only an 18km walk I slept in until 8:30, and was able to get breakfast at 9:00 before heading for heading for Alcazaren. There were no villages on the way

so no stops for coffee or other refreshments. The walk was pleasant, fairly flat and mainly through pine forrests and a bit of agricultural land. Coming into Alcazaren I saw my first vineyards for the walk.

Tonight's accommodation is a donotivo, which means you give a donation for your stay. You pick up the keys at the Bar Real and have to leave them on the windowsill at the bar as I depart in the morning. The accommodation is new and excellent. There is one other Spaniard in the room and I hope that he doesn't snore.

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