Hostal la Frontera
After a 5 hour train journey plus a one hour delay as a result of track work I arrived in Santiago de Compostela at 11:00pm last night.
With a decent nights sleep and the usual Spanish breakfast I headed to the bus station and caught the bus to Ferrol on the north coast. There is always an amount of trepidation associated with catching Spanish buses as the departure point and destinations are never well labelled.
This corner of Spain is called Galacia and it always rains here and today was no exception. Notwithstanding it is pleasing to have some green countryside instead of the browns of the Meseta. The down side is the millions of eucalyptus trees that the Spanish have planted along the north coast. I understand that further eucalyptus plantations have now been banned.
Ferrol is a port city and there is a large naval presence here. There are also ship building yards.
I spent the afternoon wandering around the city, visiting the tourist office and finding the starting point for the Camino Ingles (English Way) which I shall commence in the morning. If all goes well I will be back in Santiago in 5 days time.