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Santa Maria la Real de Nivea

Hostal Avanto

Sergovia to Santa Maria la Real de Nieva - 31km

We found breakfast in a nice bakery and managed to be on the road just after dawn at 8:00am.

From Zamarramala, 3km from Segovia we were able to watch balloons rising from behind the Alcazar. It was a great sight in the early morning light.

Leaving Segovia we immediately entered the Meseta. The Meseta is a high plain in central Spain where cereal crops are grown. We walked through kilometres of harvested fields that previously grew wheat, barley and sun flowers. Many of the fields were being prepared for new plantings following winter.

We stopped for coffee in the small village of Los Huertos and had lunch in Ane before completing the final 10km into Santa Maria la Real de Nieva. Here we have a nice room at a reasonable price when compared with the costs in Madrid and Sergovia.

I apologise for the lack of photos but have a very poor internet connection tonight

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