Before returning to our Albergue last night, we had a final meal and drink with our German friends, Sylvia and Eric. It was sad to part with these excellent travelling companions.
Albergue Jesus y Maria was a great choice, in spite of the fact that there were nearly 90 residents for the night. There was little snoring and we were able to get a good nights sleep. The fun part of the stay came in the morning as we watched the Albergue staff eject those pilgrims who were ignoring the 8:30am departure deadline.
We spent the morning wandering around Pamplona before taking a taxi to the Train Station to catch our 1:08pm train to Burgos.
By travelling today, we managed to avoid a decent storm between Pamplona and Burgos. Hopefully the sun will be out again tomorrow.
At the moment there is not much to report here apart from the fact that we were able to successfully navigate the Burgos bus system and arrive safely after only a 15 minute walk to our destination.
Kate tells me that she is now no longer on the missing list and is ready to commence walking again.
The wet and cloudy day accentuates the grandeur of the architecture. Good luck with the resumption of the Path.