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Sanguesa, Albergue de Peregrinos 14 May 2024


It rained last night and as a consequence there was mud. Mud in Spain comes in many varities with the the main varieties being slippery, deep and sticky. This morning on leaving Reusta I encountered all three, the worst being sticky where it builds up on the boot soles and you inevitably find yourself 50mm taller.

Today I walked alone because somebody decided that a couple of minor blisters deserved a taxi ride. Not a good look for a dedicated pilgrim.

The start of the walk was spectacular although somewhat dampened by the 350 metre climb over the first few kilometres. Respite was found at Undues de Lerda where we were able to get an ice cream and a coke at the bar. The last 8 kilometres were flat and uninspiring through fields of new wheat. This was not helped by missing a deviation off the path and having to take the main road into Sanguesa.

Luckily Kate (my editor who had arrived earlier by taxi) had already booked me into the Albergue, selected a suitable bed and made it up. Hopefully after a bus trip tomorrow she might even do my washing.

An excellent lunch was obtained in a local bar/restaurant followed by a visit to a nearby church where we met the young priest and had our credentials stamped.

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Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
May 15, 2024

Having glanced at other people's Camino blogs for this time of the year, I was impressed by your fine weather so far. Mud-walking is arduous, but, as you like to say, nothing is too much for a "dedicated pilgrim". Your readers are happy to see what their author looks like, which is athletic and tough. No surprise there. Sending your crippled and martyred companion on ahead, meant that you were able to engage in solitary, pilgrim-like meditation while you walked, then collapse fuss-free into pre-booked accommodation at day's end. This is called "division of labour".

The landscape and buildings are absolutely picturesque. I wouldn't mind a stroll there myself. Round and round a single village would be heaven.

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