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Sobradelo, Bar Mar 25 May 2024


After an excellent nights sleep we arose to a pre prepared breakfast of the usual stale bread marmalade and coffee. Given that there was a toaster and microwave shortly thereafter we dined on tostada and hot café American.

The walk this morning required a 350m climb up to Las Medulas where the Romans mined gold leaving massive scars on the surrounding hills. The climb was through areas of native scrub and many chestnut trees. The decent into Purnte de Domingo Flores was through pine forests and again quite pretty. Half way down the decent we ran into a check point and food stop for a local mountain bike race. Unfortunately they were not handing out refreshments to pilgrims.

After lunch in Puente de Domingo Flores we followed the Rio Cabrera through to Sobradelo where we are staying the night. Along the way on the other side of the Rio were many establishments processing slate that is mined in the adjacent hills. In the afternoon, the walk was in the hot sun with the native undergrowth and holm oaks providing little shade.

All up todays walk was around 27km (about 7km more than our preferred distance)

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Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
May 26, 2024

PS. The house-wall shows Paul on a previous pilgrimage—the whole caboodle—weeks on the track—beard grown—hat heavy with the cockle-shell—and still miles to go. Salvation in the hereafter will surely reward you both. And the pleasure of the way, in the here-and-now.


Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
May 26, 2024

Wow, stunning landscape. I note that you are photographed, John, at the beginning of that gruelling hike, and not at its end.

I love looking at people's dwellings, so delighted in the village you passed through. I looks as though the houses are lived in. Perhaps some are holiday homes.

You two are brave, strong men.

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